MTSE Theological Seminar 2017

Being the Church in the 21st Century
MTSE Theological Seminar

co-hosted with
the Waldensian Faculty of Theology
and the
Methodist Ecumenical Office
17-19 February 2017
This seminar is of particular interest to the faculty and students of the Methodist-related Theological Schools of Europe but not restricted to these. All welcome.
Keynote Speakers

Revd Dr Giovanni Cereda is a pastor and scholar of the Church of Nazarene in Italy. His doctoral dissertation was on John Wesley's Pneumatology and was prepared under the direction of Dr McGonigle and, finalised and written, under the supervision of Professor Rino La Delfa (presently, Rector of Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Palermo, Sicily).

Bishop Rosemarie Wenner is currently the Bishop of the German Central Conference of the United Methodist Church. She was the first woman to become President of the UMC Council of Bishops and the first non-American. Her leadership of the United Methodists in Germany has involved a deep involvement in ecumenical relationships with Protestant and Catholic leaders on social issues such as migration.

Revd Dr Tim Macquiban is the Director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome and the new Chair of the World Methodist Council's Standing Committee on Ecumenical Dialogues. Tim has been an outstanding advocate of ecumenism in the British Church and worldwide and brings his rich experience of theological education to his current role.
Friday, 17th February The Waldensian Faculty
Saturday, 18th February
Sunday, 19th Februray The Methodist Ecumenical Office

Accommodation is available at the Hotel Casa Valdese on Friday and Saturday night.
Please contact Donna Pryor at and +44 (0) 121 452 2620 for more information about conference fees, hotel costs and bursaries, as well as to book your place.
Please click this link to download your Flyers.
Please click and fill out this booking form and send to Donna Pryor at to secure your reservation. Registration fees and hotel accommodation are included in the form.
For students, please click this link to apply.