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LEaD Hub - Europe

The Regional Hub for Leadership, Education and Development in Europe (LEaD Hub Europe) is an initiative of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church (GBHEM), in partnership with the Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche (EmK) in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria and the Theologische Hochschule Reutlingen (THR). The LEaD Hub Europe also works closely with the Methodist Theological Schools in Europe (MTSE) and various churches and educational institutions on the European continent.
With this cluster of partners, the LEaD Hub provides expert advising and executive support a series of activities in education and leadership development with a main focus on Europe. It promotes the planning, execution, evaluation, and publicity of activities, working with individuals and institutions – especially students and faculty – on academic programs, events, communication processes, strategies, activities, and documentation centered on Methodist education.
Find more information on the LEaD Hub initiative in this leaflet.
The LEaD Hub also represents GBHEM in the European context and serves as the European office for the Methodist Global Education Fund for Leadership Development (MGEFLD) and other GBHEM programs. Bringing together all these projects, programs, and initiatives, this is a regional vehicle to support Wesleyan and Methodist-related education and leadership development in Europe and connect it other continental regions – Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.
The LEaD Hub Europe is led by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schuler and is located at the Reutlingen Theologische Hochschule. Jana Göhler is the administrative assistant.
In 2019 the European LeadHub got an additional position: Project Coordinator for Northern Europe and Eurasia Area, based in Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary (Tallinn, Estonia). Presently Dr Meeli Tankler is appointed to this position.
LEaD Hub executive directors.
Picture taken during the IAMSCU Conference 2019 in Atlanta, USA.

Our Philosophy

"Make disciples of Jesus to transform the world"
- John Wesley
Our History

Global Methodist Education starts with John Wesley's statement, “The world is my parish,” and was applied to church, society, and education. He was a global educator and studied the classics, philosophy, literature, history, science,medicine, and theology. He was involved in the most important theological, scientific and educational discussions of his times. Methodism emerged out of this educational environment and education has been part of the global Methodist mission since then.
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